Saturday, September 14, 2013

Disaster :( (Resolved)

phew I called the godaddy people myself and they published my site!!! Wohoo Everythings back to normal!!!! The person I called was sooooo nice! He said he liked my site!

Hi everyone I know most of my viewers that visit my main site don't look at this but if you do and you have a friend who dosn't please pass the message. Unfortunatly my dad was trying to turn website builder off  which was supposedly charging him extra! But In my opinion that wasn't charging him extra it was the extra pages! So I am assuming my dad accidently turned my website off (As you probably know my website is payed) So I am hoping to get this sorted out and my website back on track I hope!
*Edited on September 12th 2013* My dad called the people that own godaddy and My website should be up later today

Thursday, July 18, 2013

                                            July 10's post

Friday, July 12, 2013

July 10th's post
And Here are some posts from AJHQ

July 5th's post